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Example Scripts

In the spirit of "show, don't tell", here are a few example scripts. Some of the scripts may be broken up to better show the code for a subcommand next to its output.

Hello, world!

A "Hello, world!" script. Can accept a different name to greet, and has a --shout option. Because there is only one command, it's automatically selected - no need to specify a subcommand.

If you're not familiar, the * works similarly to *args - it separates positional args from keyword-only args. In arguably, keyword-only args each appear as an --option.

import arguably

def hello(name="world", *, shout=False):
    says hello to someone
        name: {who} to greet
        shout: will only use uppercase
    message = f"Hello, {name}!"
    if shout:
        message = message.upper()

if __name__ == "__main__":
user@machine:~$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--shout] [WHO]

says hello to someone

positional arguments:
  WHO         who to greet (type: str, default: world)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --shout     will only use uppercase (type: bool, default: False)
user@machine:~$ python3
Hello, world!
user@machine:~$ python3 Python
Hello, Python!
user@machine:~$ python3 --shout Python


A simple script showing subcommands and multi-level subcommands being used. Outputs for each command are shown next to the its code.

Imports and hey_there

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""this docstring is the description for the script"""

import arguably
import builtins

def hey_there(first_name, last_name: str | None = None):
    this will say hello to someone

    arguments without annotations (`first_name`) default to `str`
        ... unless the type can be inferred from their default value
    any union with `None` is removed, so `last_name` is parsed as `str`

        first_name: the {first} name of the person to greet
        last_name: their {last} name
    if last_name is None:
        full_name = first_name
        full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"
    print(f"Hello, {full_name}!")
user@machine:~$ python3 hey-there -h
usage: hey-there [-h] FIRST [LAST]

this will say hello to someone

positional arguments:
  FIRST       the first name of the person to greet (type: str)
  LAST        their last name (type: str, default: None)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
user@machine:~$ python3 hey-there Monty
Hello, Monty!
user@machine:~$ python3 hey-there Monty Python
Hello, Monty Python!


good has two subcommands. The -s/--shout option is able to be passed to good any time one of these subcommands is invoked.

def good(*, shout=False):
    this is a command with two subcommands

    everything after the `*` appears as an `--option`
    `shout` is inferred to be a `bool` because of its default value
        `bool` `--option`s take no value by design

        shout: [-s] will shout out the greeting
    if shout:
        # All prints are now UPPERCASE
        global print
        print = lambda msg: builtins.print(msg.upper())
user@machine:~$ python3 good -h
usage: good [-h] [-s] command ...

this is a command with two subcommands

positional arguments:
    morning    Greet someone early in the day
    night      Say goodbye at night

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -s, --shout  will shout out the greeting (type: bool, default: False)


def good__morning(name):
    """Greet someone early in the day"""
    print(f"Good morning, {name}!")
user@machine:~$ python3 good -s morning Monty


def good__night(name):
    """Say goodbye at night"""
    print(f"Good night, {name}!")
user@machine:~$ python3 good night Python
Good night, Python!

if __name__ == "__main__":
user@machine:~$ python3
usage: [-h] command ...

this docstring is the description for the script

positional arguments:
    hey-there  this will say hello to someone
    good (g)   this is a command with two subcommands

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit

One of everything

This script includes one of every feature. arguably is designed so that you don't have to reach for the tools hidden behind Annotated[] except in special cases, but this script makes heavy use of them.

It's a long script, so it's periodically broken up to show the results on the CLI.

Imports and __root__

#!/usr/bin/env python3
A demo script to show all features

import enum
import operator
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Annotated

import arguably

# used if version_flag is set
__version__ = "1.0.0"

def __root__(*, verbose: Annotated[int, arguably.arg.count()] = 0):
    __root__ is always called first, before any subcommand.
    It's also run if no subcommand is specified.

        verbose: [-v] the verbosity - flag occurrences are counted
    print(f"Verbosity: {verbose}")
    if not arguably.is_target():
    print("__root__ is the target!")
user@machine:~$ ./ -vvvv
Verbosity: 4
__root__ is the target!


def add(
    coords: tuple[int, int],
    *values: Annotated[int, arguably.arg.required()],
    include_z: bool = False,
    this is the CLI description for this command
        coords: some coordinates {X,Y}
        *values: scalar {value}s to add to the coords, requires one or more
        include_z: [-z] whether to include a value for Z
    print(f"Coordinates: {coords}")
    if include_z:
        x, y = coords
        z = 0
        coords = (x, y, z)
    for value in values:
        value_arr = (value,) * len(coords)
        coords = tuple(map(operator.add, coords, value_arr))
        print(f"Added {value}: {coords}")
    print(f"Result: {coords}")
user@machine:~$ ./ add -h
usage: kitchen-sink add [-h] [-z] X,Y VALUE [VALUE ...]

this is the CLI description for this command

positional arguments:
  X,Y              some coordinates X,Y (type: (int,int))
  VALUE            scalar values to add to the coords, requires one or more (type: int)

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -z, --include-z  whether to include a value for Z (type: bool, default: False)
user@machine:~$ ./ add -z 5,5 1 2 3 4
Verbosity: 0
Coordinates: (5, 5)
Added 1: (6, 6, 1)
Added 2: (8, 8, 3)
Added 3: (11, 11, 6)
Added 4: (15, 15, 10)
Result: (15, 15, 10)


class Permissions(enum.Flag):
    READ = 4
    """[-r] allows for reads"""
    WRITE = 2
    """[-w] allows for writes"""
    EXECUTE = 1
    """[-x] allows for execution"""

def chmod(file: Path, *, flags: Permissions = Permissions(0)):
    flags break down into multiple --options, one for each flag member.
    the docstring for each flag member is used.
        file: the file to modify
        flags: permission flags
    print(f"{file=}", f"{flags=}")
user@machine:~$ ./ chmod -h
usage: kitchen-sink chmod [-h] [-r] [-w] [-x] file

flags break down into multiple --options, one for each flag member.

positional arguments:
  file           the file to modify (type: Path)

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -r, --read     allows for reads
  -w, --write    allows for writes
  -x, --execute  allows for execution
user@machine:~$ ./ chmod foo.exe -rwx
Verbosity: 0
file=PosixPath('foo.exe') flags=<Permissions.READ|WRITE|EXECUTE: 7>


class Direction(enum.Enum):
    UP = (0, 1)
    DOWN = (0, -1)
    LEFT = (-1, 0)
    RIGHT = (1, 0)

def move(direction: Direction):
    enum values are entered by the enum value name
        direction: the direction to move
    dx, dy = direction.value
    print(f"Will move {dx}, {dy}")
user@machine:~$ ./ move -h
usage: kitchen-sink move [-h] {up,down,left,right}

enum values are entered by the enum value name

positional arguments:
  {up,down,left,right}  the direction to move (type: Direction)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
user@machine:~$ ./ move up
Verbosity: 0
Will move 0, 1


def make(
    target: Annotated[str, arguably.arg.choices("build", "install", "clean")],
    log: Annotated[Path | None, arguably.arg.missing("~/.log.txt")] = None,
    arguably.arg.choices restricts input values
    arguably.arg.missing provides a value if the flag is specified but value omitted
        target: the command to send to `make`
        log: the path to log, if any
    print(f"Running `make {target}`")
    if log is None:
        print("Will not log")
        print(f"Logging to {log}")
user@machine:~$ ./ make -h
usage: kitchen-sink make [-h] [--log [LOG]] {build,install,clean}

arguably.arg.choices restricts input values

positional arguments:
  {build,install,clean}  the command to send to `make` (type: str)

  -h, --help             show this help message and exit
  --log [LOG]            the path to log, if any (type: Path, default: None)
user@machine:~$ ./ make build
Verbosity: 0
Running `make build`
Will not log
user@machine:~$ ./ make build --log
Verbosity: 0
Running `make build`
Logging to ~/.log.txt
user@machine:~$ ./ make build --log foo.log
Verbosity: 0
Running `make build`
Logging to foo.log


def arg():
    this has two subcommands. a double underscore __ is used when a space would appear
      * arg__handler -> "arg handler"
      * arg__builder -> "arg builder"
    print("Hello from arg()!")
    if arguably.is_target():
        print("arg() is the target!")
user@machine:~$ ./ arg -h
usage: kitchen-sink arg [-h] command ...

this has two subcommands. a double underscore __ is used when a space would appear

positional arguments:
    handler   runs a custom handler for input
    builder   builds a complex class - can pick between subtypes of class

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
user@machine:~$ ./ arg
Verbosity: 0
Hello from arg()!
arg() is the target!


def arg__handler(
    version: Annotated[str, arguably.arg.handler(lambda s: s.removeprefix("Python-"))]
    runs a custom handler for input
    arguably.arg.handler allows for arbitrary functions to handle inputs
    this one removes a prefix of "Python-" before passing the value along
        version: Python version, like 3.11
    print(f"Python version: {version}")
user@machine:~$ ./ arg handler -h
usage: kitchen-sink arg handler [-h] version

runs a custom handler for input

positional arguments:
  version     Python version, like 3.11 (type: str)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
user@machine:~$ ./ arg handler Python-3.10
Verbosity: 0
Hello from arg()!
Python version: 3.10


class Nic: ...

class TapNic(Nic):
    model: str

class UserNic(Nic):
    hostfwd: str

def arg__builder(
    nic: Annotated[list[Nic], arguably.arg.builder()]
    builds a complex class - can pick between subtypes of class
        nic: network interfaces - will build subclasses of `Nic`
    print(f"Built nics: {nic}")
user@machine:~$ ./ arg builder -h
usage: kitchen-sink arg builder [-h] --nic NIC

builds a complex class - can pick between subtypes of class

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --nic NIC   network interfaces - will build subclasses of `Nic` (type: list[Nic])
user@machine:~$ ./ -vvv arg builder --nic tap,model=e1000 --nic user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22
Verbosity: 3
Hello from arg()!
Built nics: [TapNic(model='e1000'), UserNic(hostfwd='tcp::10022-:22')]


def list_(files: list[Path], *, output: list[str]):
    lists are supported and use a comma to separate inputs
    an empty list is a single dash `-`
    if a list appears as an `--option`, it can be repeated
        files: input files
        output: outputs
    for file in files:
        print(f"Resolved path: {file.resolve()}")
    for out in output:
        print(f"Will output to {out}")
user@machine:~$ ./ list -h
usage: kitchen-sink list [-h] --output OUTPUT files

lists are supported and use a comma to separate inputs

positional arguments:
  files            input files (type: list[Path])

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --output OUTPUT  outputs (type: list[str])
user@machine:~$ ./ list foo.txt,bar.bat --output wifi0,en0 --output en1
Verbosity: 0
Resolved path: .../arguably/etc/scripts/foo.txt
Resolved path: .../arguably/etc/scripts/bar.bat
Will output to wifi0
Will output to en0
Will output to en1

if __name__ == "__main__":"kitchen-sink", version_flag=True)
user@machine:~$ ./ -h
usage: kitchen-sink [-h] [--version] [-v] command ...

A demo script to show all features

positional arguments:
    add          this is the CLI description for this command
    chmod        flags break down into multiple --options, one for each flag member.
    move         enum values are entered by the enum value name
    make         arguably.arg.choices restricts input values
    arg          this has two subcommands. a double underscore __ is used when a space would appear
    list         lists are supported and use a comma to separate inputs

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --version      show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose  the verbosity - flag occurrences are counted (type: int, default: 0)
user@machine:~$ ./ --version
kitchen-sink 1.0.0